Improvement suggestions for the Mac App


I love the new mac app! Just got it after your iPhone app literally changed my life for the better. Couple of suggestions:

1: Give an option to have the taskbar only show the opal logo instead of the very long text it currently shows, for example “focus session - 10h 17m”, which takes up 30% of the taskbar…

2: Have an option to have the app running but not show it in the list when I click on command tab if I minimized it - so I can declutter and keep things more clean there in the cmd tab menu and the mission control. Then, if I want to access it I can always go to the taskbar logo. That’s how popular utility apps like BetterTouchTool work.

3: When I snooze - I need to manually click on the “back” button in the snooze window, or else the countdown to be able to start the next snooze immediately starts automatically, which kind of beats the purpose of the app because then I can always simply re-open Opal and it’s already ready to snooze…

4: Also please notice that the app doesn’t let me shut down the computer if a blocking session is running which seems like a bug as the two options should be unrelated (: it tells me that I cannot close Opal since it’s blocking, and since I can’t close it it means I also can’t shut down.

Bonus - I LOVE the ability to block certain websites on chrome. For example as a part of the blocking session. Is there a way to also add it to the iPhone app? Currently I can only block whole apps.

Thanks again! I’ll keep recommending this to my friends.

Would just really love the same thing on mobile where I cannot delete the app. That’s really the thing that pushes Opal over the threshold to actually work. Knowing I can delete Opal for a minute to check my texts on my mac almost kills the usefulness for me.


1.Making it so that the app can’t be exited using cmd+q or any other way as long as the focus is running
2.The app should start blocking automatically when a scheduled focus block starts, even if the app was exited previously.
No. is an absolute necessity for people who use “Deep Focus”, because if the app can simply be exited, deep focus doesnt mean much.
It would be super helpful to get an ETA if these features are already in dev.
I have to use other apps like Cold Turkey right now on my Mac, might have to buy it as well.

Hey guys

First of all, thank you so much for creating this app, it has helped me achieve what willpower did not.

I have saved many hours the last week in the iPhone app alone and I feel very happy.

Today I wanted to use it on mac but the browser i always use and have all my data is Firefox Focus, my request is if you guys could implement this browser on the mac app please?

I hope you can help me, and again thank you, i am recommending it to everybody i know :v:t5:


Hey there @Bokede,

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve merged your request to add support for Firefox Focus to the Mac app into the Mac app improvements channel, and escalated this to our engineers for them to consider as we continue to upgrade the app. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal

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Sorry it is firefox browser not focus, my bad


Can you also add Chrome Dev and Beta versions to blocking list?