[Completed with Shortcuts] Location based Blocking

Feature Requested By: Anonymous
Number of Votes: 4
View Original Post: Location based Blocking · Opal Feedback

Whenever I leave the house at night I want to have access to social media to connect with new people. If there were a feature that recognized when I was at home by location and blocked media I would love that


I agree with this! Would be fantastic to have.

Also handy if I want to have some apps block only when physically preset at work

You can actually do this using shortcuts! Follow these steps: Opal FAQ | How to install Opal shortcut automations

Feature Requested By: Anonymous
Number of Votes: 20
View Original Post: Location-based "Quality-time" · Opal Feedback

A function that recognizes you are at home with your family or around your close friends

Comment By: Kenneth

Add quality time when spending time with your family, kids or friends

I would like to block some apps and websites when I am at home but when I am out in the streets then I would like this deep focus to not apply .

We need location based Deep Focus !

The location finds where we live . And we can select a circle around where we live for the block to apply .

If you used android then this is done in the app called lockmeout

Thank you for sharing this and love this idea. I know it’s not ideal,; but have you tried setting this up via Shortcuts? https://www.opal.so/help/5-ways-to-use-opal-with-shortcuts

Here is a complete how to article Opal FAQ | How to install Opal shortcut automations

For example you want your phone blocked at work or home by open anywhere else, you will determine the location where the app activates or deactivate, and by recognizing the phone location it will do so automatically

I am not sure if this is doable

yes it is! actually you can do this now using Shortcut automations.

See this article, section:

Start an Opal Session automatically when you arrive at work :briefcase: