Hey! Love the update concept - unfortunately this feature does not work for me at all, and it’s the reason I pay for the app. There is no option when building a blocklist to add the mobile versions of websites. Really trying to block REDDIT on Chrome so please fix this functionality! Why is there no option to add a custom website to block? Seems like that would be an obvious option to add. Thanks and hope you patch this in the next version!
I am having the same issue as Parker, how do I make sure I have v3.8? When I go to “Additional Websites” the only option is a checkbox for “18+ Adult” but does not allow you to add custom URLs. If you go back to “Apps to Block” and then the dropdown for “Other” there are some URLs that look like they’re connected to my browser history, but again cannot add websites to block.
I am having the same issue as the two people above. I have downloaded v3.8 (apb this is listed under your profile settings just above “suggest improvements” have downloaded the chrome extension for desktop and synced, but I only see a short list of somewhat random websites to choose from in the block list vs. the ones I am addicted to and use often (twitter.com etc.) This is an essential feature for me since I still click into websites if I block/delete apps!
One more update here: It seems that when I visit websites on safari - they become available to block in the app/website blocking list (hence the random list I was seeing before since I exclusively use Chrome). Now that I’ve added common sites to my blocklist (facebook, twitter etc.) I still am not being blocked in chrome. My chrome extension on the browser (synced with ios) also shows no websites being blocked and won’t allow me to select any from the browser. It seems the chrome integration is not yet functioning properly on this new version.
When you select Apps and Websites to add to an App Group, you will see an “app picker” screen where you can select from a pre-made list of Apps and Websites. This list is generated by Apple’s Screen Time, and we (Opal) do not have control over what is included.
However, this is what should be included in the list:
All Apps installed on your phone,
Websites you use frequently.
Apps and Websites are categorized by Apple. You need to expand the categories in order to find specific apps/websites. For example Facebook will be in the Social category. Websites or Apps can also be in the Other category.
If you cannot find specific Apps or Websites in the Apple-generated list, we recommend you use the Whitelist feature. The Whitelist feature will allow you to block ALL apps and website, EXCEPT the ones you specify. Opal FAQ | What Is Whitelist?
This works for me but not as well as other apps. I regularly use Arc and while on Safari when a blocking session began it immediately blocked me out, on Arc it only works once I reload the page/click a link to a blocked site.
Would this be improved on future updates or is it Arc blockers themselves making it wonky?