Able to change app groups despite deep focus

Unfortunately the app groups I’ve set can still be edited during sessions from Opal settings under ”blocking preferences”.

Can this be fixed asap as it defeats the whole purpose of the app?

Hi! it shouldn’t it you’re in deep focus - it will allow you to edit from settings (for the next session) but the app group attached to the deep focus session will not be changed.

I have also run into this. I am able to go to settings and update an app group and the changes immediately take effect despite an active session running with that group.

I am using the whitelist feature in case that is important.

Edit: I see that you mentioned deep focus mode specifically. I am using “timeout”. It seems odd that if I go through the session, that it acts as if you can’t edit the app group until the timeout is reached but I can go to settings and change it at will. Is this how app groups are intended to work?

I’ve definitely been able to edit the list while in session and “get out of the session” but maybe I’m the only one.