Add Korean please!

Can you add Korean settings please? I’m a Korean user and since this application is so useful, I want many people in Korean to use it.

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out and for your language request! We’ve escalated this suggestion for Korean translation to the team so they can consider it as we continue to upgrade the app and website.

All the best,
Team Opal

Korea is renowned for its academic fervor and diligent efforts, particularly among students who exhibit passion and self-discipline in their studies, often by limiting their phone usage. Like many others, I utilize various apps to reduce screen time and enhance focus, yet I face challenges due to English not being my native language.

I strongly believe that incorporating Korean language support would significantly enhance the accessibility and utility of this app for Korean users. With the option to use the app in Korean, students would be able to manage their screen time more effectively and concentrate better on their studies. Moreover, considering that users who prefer Korean would likely engage more actively with the app, it is anticipated that the app’s popularity and usage would increase.

Therefore, adding Korean language support not only improves the accessibility and usefulness of the app but also contributes to its success in the Korean market.

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out and for your language request! We’ve escalated this suggestion for Korean translation to the team so they can consider it as we continue to upgrade the app and website. I’ve also added your suggestion to the existing thread so that the community can vote on this language integration. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal