I would love to see birthstone gems included along with the gems we have now. (ex. Ruby is the birthstone for people born in July.)
I think a super cool way to add these gems could be as challenges for each month you’ve been using the Opal app! It could either be through a daily check-in system or something better like a challenge along the lines of “You are rewarded with the gemstone of this month for snoozing Opal less than 5 times this month.”
Another way to add gems could be through the leaderboard. Top 1% could get a super rare beautiful gem while top 50% get a more common type of gem.
I would love to have more gemstones to increase motivation. I find that earning them is very encouraging. It seems like after the initial phase of earning them the only way to earn them would be to have a LOT of friends (which I don’t).
Perhaps there could be a gemstone of the month based on birthstones that people could earn by not taking breaks?
Thanks for the feature suggestion! We have Gems coming in the near future. I’ve also merged all the Gem related requests into a single thread so other community members can vote for this. Stay tuned!
Hi there,
Today I opened the Opal app and it asked me to open a new crystal. It was a beautiful blue winter themed image with snow laden pine trees. Gorgeous really!
Would you consider doing a summer themed one for those of us in southern hemisphere? I live in Australia where it is currently over 100F/40C
Our festive holidays have a very different theme here and the image given today is foreign and not what we are experiencing.
It would be awesome if you could add more Focus Gems, because they keep me motivated to use the app, and to try and collect them all. I feel like all of them are just achieved passively, and not rewarded for hard work.
Here are some examples that I think that would be fun to try and achieve, especially with friends
-14 days of straight of focus sessions
-have a day, 8am to 10pm of neutral and above focus
-I would love for longer streak opals
-having focus sessions during certain weathers conditions.
-block certain app categories, like have all social media blocked for 5 sessions in a row.
Even cooler, it would be cool to do community events to collect event gems, and if you participate in the event then you can unlock event gems. like for example an event where as a community we have to accumulate 50000 hours of focused non-video games apps.
I think that a lot of features other then this are important, like expanding the platform reach, but getting more crystals would definitely motivate me. I think it would help others too.
Hey @Revan_Smit thanks a lot for the feedback!
I truly LOVE your suggestions
Would you be ok to discuss the Focus Gems topic a little bit more in a quick user interview session?
To give you a heads up, we’ll ship 3 more Focus Gems (30, 60 and 90 days of focus straight) in the newt version.
All the best and may the Focus be with you!