"Allow list" currently not available or visible on iPhone

Hello! I have been cruising along happily with a block I set up on my iPhone months ago. I set it up using the Allow List feature, so I could choose which apps I can use for the duration of the Event rather than blocking specific apps.

For the past few months, I have been able to go back in and add other apps to the Allow List. The other day I went in and now there is no option I can find to edit an Allow List. I can’t even find an Allow List. The only place I can edit the specifics of this block is where it now says “Apps Blocked.”

I didn’t set this up by blocking specific apps and I want to use an Allow list. Now I’m afraid to change anything because this block has been such a game-changer for me.

Any help re-finding and editing the Allow list I originally set up so so appreciated. thanks

Hey @RJoy,

You can edit allow list by going to one of your session, select Apps Blocked and choose a list by clicking on Switch on the top right. Then you can edit the list. Hope this is helpful. You can let me know if you need any helps. :smiley:

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Thanks so much for the info. When I click on Apps Blocked it brings up Choose Activities and shows different categories of apps I can choose to block. The only option at the top right is Save

Is there another way to get to the Allow list for this Event? thank you

@RJoy Are you using Schedule Session, Set App Limit or Set Lock?

As I see, those are 3 options are available for creating a New Block. I’m trying to edit the Allow List of an existing block that I created using an Allow List.

I want to be able to add and remove specific apps from the Allow List.

Is the suggestion that I leave the existing block alone, and create a new block in addition? That won’t work unless I delete the original block, which makes me nervous considering the issue I’m having. thanks

all set and all good. easy to just create new event. thanks!

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