Avoiding Blocks with an “exploit”

I’d love that when a session is active, apps cannot be removed from the app group it currently uses (in the settings, thereby avoiding snooze and deep blocks).
I find myself doing that way too much and spending a lot of time on my phone, more time actually than i did before i downloaded Opal. i’d love this feature to be implemented in the near future.

Hey there,

Sorry for any confusion. To clarify, you should be unable to edit an App Group that is currently subjected to a Deep Focus Session. If you are currently able to edit an app group that is within a Deep Focus Session, it’s likely something else is going wrong. First up, we’d recommend updating the app here:

If you continue to be able to edit an App Group subjected to a Deep Focus Session, please reach out to our Support team directly in app using the instructions here, and they will be happy to take a closer look!

All the best,
Team Opal

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