Blocks/Screen Time Weekly Reports Not Working

After some snoozes, not all the time, Opal just does not re block the apps until the next day when the session is set to restart so the main purpose is sometimes defective. Furthermore I no longer receive the detailed weekly screen time report which I quite liked whilst still receiving notifications for it. An example is I got a notification saying click here for your weekly detailed screen time report and it took me straight to the apps Home Screen rather than what it said. I would appreciate if you took a look into this as I really enjoyed using this app when there weren’t issues like these.

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Hey there,

Sorry to hear about the trouble! It sounds like a few things might be going wrong here. First up, if you haven’t updated the app recently, please head here to do just that:

Otherwise, you should be receiving your weekly screen time report - is it possible that you’re not currently logged in to your account? To check, please head to your Settings page (accessible from the top right corner of your Profile tab). If you’re not logged in, you may need to do just that to access your screen reports, which are available on your Profile tab. You’ll just need to scroll down to the Focus Reports section.

Finally, if you experience future issues with your blocking, here is my recommendation to sort that out: please go to your Blocks tab and hit the “Reload Blocks” button near the top right corner!

Once that’s complete, please follow all the steps here:

I hope that helps,
Team Opal

Hi I am updated and when I try to go into settings it crashes. Many others have also had this problem. I primarily needed it to unblock a friend but also to see reports but I can not do either of them.