Been using opal trial for a month, using 3 blockage mood and wow has it been rewarding and frustrating at the same time. I’ve seen how my addiction to social media time has dropped down and has given me a chance to readjust my daily activities, i have found myself going back to what I have procrastinating 2 years ago. I started a reading challenge and a balanced diet which makes me feel great. I study for 7 hours a day at an institution, heavy UX design stuff, I have one more month until I graduate yay. Symptoms I have been having is the drop of mood, mood swings and not holding my phone while being with others causes me anxiety, I am being committed but also I craved cigarettes so I smoked almost one pack of it to get that sense of dopamine. I would really considered jogging but my knees are poorly injured. Overall I think my mental health is improving but I am not really happy about the sudden craving to smoke, I wish I could feel dopamine somehow without smoking or social media or having to always do something to have a mood struck.