Custom Block Screen Text, Quotes and Style

The possibility to change quotes types of the lockscreen to like pure motivation discipline quotes or more romantic ones or idk

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Thanks for sharing! at the moment you can customize block screen categories Opal FAQ | How to customize Block Screens

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A sleek and easy to use feature where you could write your own block screens with an emoji for the lock function would be great. I really think being able to write my own block screen text would help me focus better.

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Hey @here,

Thanks for the suggestion! We’ve had a few requests for this feature, and it’s currently on our roadmap. I’ve merged your suggest into the existing thread, and we’ll notify you all when the update to customize your block screens goes live. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal

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You should add a custom Block screen feature that allows the user to display their own message when they try to access a blocked app.

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