Currently, non-waking hours are included in the Time Offline and Focus Score calculations. This doesn’t make sense to me - obviously I’m not going to be tempted to use my phone while I’m sleeping - and it paints a much more positive picture of my phone usage than is really the case.
Ideally, I would either be able to:
- set a recurring time period each day (e.g. 11 PM - 7 AM) to be excluded from the above calcs,
- manually start and end a sleep session within the app, or
- link Opal to a sleep tracking app and exclude based on that data
In any case, the goal would be to get accurate measures of how much of my waking time I’m spending on my phone. As is, the calculations feel very misleading; I’m essentially being rewarded for time I couldn’t possibly be distracted / looking at my screen since I’m not conscious.