In-App News Section

This community page is cool, but I think it would be useful to include a section in the app for news. I make this request for 2 reasons. If I have a session running that blocks chrome, then I become unable to view this site. I could allow “” website in the whitelist, but that would only apply to safari. Second reason is that I missed the valentine pop-up today and am in likely to miss future pop-ups. I was focused on checking something in the app and just clicked out of the pop-up without reading it. I kind of regret that now, since I have found no way to check what that pop-up said. There isn’t even anything relating to it on the forums here.

The news section wouldn’t need to have comments available like this forums site does. It just needs to let us see news relating to the app and how it may (or may already have) affect the community and individuals.

Hey there,

Thanks for the suggestion! We’ve escalated this to our engineers to consider as we continue to upgrade the app. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Sarah @ Opal

Thank you for your response. Love the app and look forward to seeing it get even better.