My credit card info taken, can’t cancel

Hi, can someone please help? I’ve tried contacting Opal support, no response to emails since 3 days, my credit card details taken but can’t cancel subscription before trial expires because details don’t pop up on the app. Please guide thank you

I am having the same issue. I called Capital One and asked for a block. The credit card company gave me this number but it goes directly to voice mail 1-503-774-4506. They told me if I get no response they will put a block on further payments. This organization seems to be run by AI. POOR PR

Hi @here thank you for writing. We don’t offer support by email unfortunately - here are two articles which should help you:

Please follow these steps to cancel your subscription.

For details on how to contact us and what to expect:

Hi Karla, I answered you on this thread: How to stop automatic payments . Hope this will help!

@karlaholme Thank you for writing. Have you followed these steps? Opal FAQ | How to cancel my subscription

We’re definitely not run by AI :slight_smile: If you need support please read how to contact Opal, report a bug or give feedback on Opal here. . We take 2 business days to get back to support queries, or you can get an immediate answer with the AI support chat.

I have done the needful still no response.

were you able to fix it? i’m having the same issue and can’t manage my subscription