Need Help with subscription ASAP [Solved]


I didn’t realize that Opal was an iPhone only app when I signed up for it. I don’t have an iPhone and I can’t download the app and I can’t seem to cancel either. The system to talk to anyone is tied to the app. I just need to talk to a human to help with this.

Thank you for your assistance.

Do you have a mac? If so you can cancel it through the App Store on mac. The same for iPad.
This website from Apple has detailed instructions

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Hey, thanks for responding. I don’t own any apple products.

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Hey there Erika,

Happy to help and sorry for the trouble! Possible to please email with the email you used to make the purchase, as well as any screenshots of your subscription confirmation? We’d be happy to dig into that deeper for you!

All the best,
Sarah @ Opal

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There is also an instruction for Windows users

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