Not being able to edit the lock

It would be really nice if we can choose to not being able to change the lock / block / restriction .

For example I set a block on tiktok and I can easily enter the Opal app and change it , however if there was a feature that for example sets the difficult level in a way in which if I confirm the lock I cannot change it for the next 24 hours .

Hey @Jana,

Happy to help! To clarify, if you set up a Session as Deep Focus, you will not be able to edit it while the Session is ongoing:

Otherwise, if you’d like to set up an ongoing App Lock that you’re unable to edit, you can set the App Lock to zero “Unlocks Allowed”. That way, you will be unable to use that app on the days that app is active:

I hope that helps. Otherwise, I’ve passed your suggestion along to our engineers to consider as we continue to upgrade the app. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal