Notifications when Blocking

I would like to request that there be a setting to allow notifications to go through on apps that are being blocked. I currently have X blocked during my work hours to decrease use but I would like to still receive notifications so I do not miss any news.


I want to second this!! I need to be able to see if Iโ€™m getting important DMs while keeping the app blocked, so i can make decisions about whether to answer them or not instead of unblocking the app just to make sure

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I made this account just to request this! Sometimes we need the ability to see when something comes through for an app thatโ€™s perpetually blocked, yet only unblocked occasionally.
I will never get motivations unless I spend an unblock on it, and a majority the time Iโ€™ll forget the app exists (which is a godsend due to Opal)

I still gotta see these notifications though!

Perhaps an ability to set if notifications are blocked; sent through; or held until the hour / half hour; could be useful!