One time only scheduled session

I’ve seen the idea of pomodoro on this discussion board but I would like a feature that in addition to the days of the week has a “once only” option or a “today” option so I could run a session the same day without creating a whole new session to my schedule and then having to delete it later so it doesn’t accidentally go off again.

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Thanks for this request!

Hello, I’m new here.
I’d also love to see a one-time block schedule feature in Opal! (Sorry if I’m pretty late to this thread)
Currently, I accomplish this by scheduling a session, and then deleting it when it’s done. Although it does work, deleting it takes a bit of time, so if it would delete itself, that would be fantastic!

Additionally, scheduling one-time blocks that start X minutes later, would be great. This can also be accomplished by setting the start time and end time, but I thought it might be convenient to be able to start a session X minutes from the present time.
Sorry if my English is hard to understand. English is sadly my second language :confused: