Set daily maximum screen time goal

I would like to be able to put in how many hours of screen time that I want to have per day and then a mechanism for me to add blocks accordingly to fit within that allotted screen time. So for instance, maybe I say I want my screen time hours to be three total for the day, And I want to allocate one hour to TikTok one hour to Instagram and one hour to another app. I could then work backwards to set up my block hours to fit within that goal

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Hey @KK2808,

Thanks for the feature request! We’re interested in implementing something like this in the future, as we’ve seen this request before. As such, I’ve passed this suggestion along to our engineers to consider as we continue to upgrade the app. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal .

Thank you for writing this. Have you tried using app limits for Opal? so you could set three separate app limits of one hour, one for TikTok, one for Instagram, and one for the other app? And they will get blocked after that hour.