Shoutout: Ramy for Reel

Shoutout @Ramy
Ramy wrote, recorded and published this great reel yesterday that is a mini summary of Atomic Habits and had 4.7K views so far in 6 hours since it was published. A few reasons for this shoutout:

  • Atomic Habits is constantly mentioned by our gems as an inspiration, so the choice of content is very relevant to our audience
  • Consistancy: it takes many tries to get good (some say 10,000 hours ), Ramy published 3x Reels per week ever since we decided it and has been getting better every time. Also, research, figuring out what works / doesn’t.
  • Writing and delivery: this reel particularly feels very clear, concise and the delivery is excellent.

Congrats Ramy!


Woo!! Congrats @ramy! I’ve been loving the advice :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Romney_Manassa ! Glad you’ve been enjoying them, I always like hearing about your experiences in the comments :hugs: