Strict mode (don't allow deleting app or editing sessions)

Hello, I was forced to subscribe to a competitor because with the “Strict” mode it manages to prohibit me from deleting the app or editing sessions that haven’t started yet (it’s only allowed to add more restrictions).

Would it be possible to add this to Opal?

Note: With the “end session” shortcut, it ends a deep focus session in Opal, it doesn’t end it but it allows you to use the applications, can you correct it?

Nice job, I really like the opal.

We heard you- we’re planning to add this shortly!

That’s not expected behavior. Send session shortcut should end the session.

Thank you for reporting this! we are adding a fix to the roadmap

A feature where you can ‘lock’ your upcoming sessions so that you aren’t able to edit them after they’ve been ‘locked’

This would prevent situations where you see your session is about to happen in 2 minutes, so you edit the session for an extra 10 minutes, and this cycle continues and continues. A lock feature that when selected, can’t undone until the session is over, would be great.

Hey there,

Thanks for the feature request! I’ve passed this suggestion along to our engineers to consider as we continue to upgrade the app, and merged it into a similar request for our Sessions to be un-editable. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal