Feature Requested By: Julia rovik
Number of Votes: 1
View Original Post: Notify me about my intentions for more apps than are blocked · Opal Feedback
I have severe attention and focus disabilities. Once, I got a notification when opening an app and it asked me about my intentions for opening that app. I wrote them to Opal before I continued into the app. That helped me a lot with being able to remember why I opened the app. I very often forget my intentions immediately after opening the app and just go straight to searching for stimulation without checking in with myself and asking why I opened the app. Even tens of minutes or even hours after having fallen into that hole of pure addiction to the stimulation those apps bring me, I can remember that I need to be doing something of purpose in the app and can’t remember what it was.
When I set an intention before opening an app, it gives me my intention in word-form. So, then, I can repeat those words to myself until the task is done, and then still feel attentive enough to be able to leave the app.
It’s not a fool-proof plan, but I think that it could really help me and many others