I really love seeking the weekly report about my goals and reduced screen time.
As a tech worker though, I use my device for work-related reasons like prototyping. Overall screen time is directly correlated to productivity so it gives me an inaccurate report and behaviour is hard to change when you don’t have an accurate report.
I’d love to be able to set a goal like “reduce distracting time,” and have it only track that. The weekly reports would summarize the distracting time reduction only.
Found this improvements page to ask for the same thing.
I want more analytics and data in my screen time, but specifically for apps I’ve marked as distracting. I drive frequently, and knowing I used Google maps for 4 hours or slack during work isn’t the reason I downloaded the app.
Me too, although I understand we are trying to limit screen time there may be times when I am
reading articles in my phone, or using the satnav or doing something productive. These screen instances should able to be separated out on my report so I can see what my distracting time is rather than general screen time. Same story with phone pickups - sometimes I pick up my phone for alarms, checking the time or just moving around my day, so that figure is also a little skewed