[COMPLETED] Categorize Apps as Productive or Distracting [Focus Score]

Agreed. To pile on here, I use a sleep tracking app all night long, which as you can imagine, has a huge negative impact on my focus score as the app is today. It renders the focus score useless and dissuades me from using my sleep-tracking app. I’m confident the developers can get this rolling soon enough :slight_smile:

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Please make the focus score customizable!! @kenneth

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Update @here , we are working on this feature currently and except to be able to ship it this month! Thank you to everyone who contributed here. We will need everyone to test once it’s ready and provide feedback. Looking forward!

Whenever I see my screen time is high, it seems to count my pomodoro app and listening to lofi music on my phone. It would be cool if certain apps that help me focus weren’t counted. Being able to select “safe” apps might be cool.

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Totally agree! we’re working on this, will be available this month.

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Totally agree! we’re working on this, will be available this month.

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I love the app as it’s helped me really be more productive during the work day and drastic sleeping improvements but I would like to see Maps and Spotify negatively effecting my score.

Thank you we are working on this at the moment, will be available by end of the month.

Example is:
I work remote and use Teams, outlook, zendesk, etc. from my phone.

I would like to not be able to access certain apps while getting a more accurate reading of how focused I actually was.

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Totally clear. This feature is coming in next week’s update!

This is now live! @here
With the latest app release, you can now edit your Focus Score and Decide which apps distract you and which help you be productive..
Here is a little preview

To access this screen - make sure you have updated your Opal app (v.3.16), go to the Score tab, and hit :pen: Edit on the top menu bar.

You will be able to choose which apps are distracting or productive, and it will be reflected in your score.
Also, we’ve addressed Exclude apps from screen time calculation - Google Maps, Spotify, audiobooks. (make them not count) . If you label an app as “Neutral”, it won’t count in your Screen Time total (for example a music or podcast app, or google maps / waze).

Hi, why opal doesn’t provide a list of apps installed on MY device so I would adjust ratings on them? I use many apps that are not in the list.


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But then why I can set limit for the some app, but not set focus score to the same app?

For me adding the app is not really helpful, as I am not English user and I would not spend time writing to the forum to add some app.

Please add Owaves to your app list.

Can you please add ThredUp as an app to limit and weight as very distracting? I imagine many others would feel the same about TheRealReal and Poshmark.

I’d also like to have the option of not counting Spotify as “screen time.” Listening to podcasts in the car ends up making it seem like I’ve been in my phone more…

Hey !
You can tap on any app and edit wether you think this app is Productive, Distracting or Neutral. Hit Save, and your score and chart will update. If you select Neutral, the app won’t count in your screen time.

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Ladder (fitness)
Knowtex (medical transcription)

:memo: Apps request for addition in Focus Score section:


  • Arc Search (Browser) - Link

  • Flipboard: The Social Magazine (News App) - Link

  • Google Pay: Save, Pay, Manage (Payments App) - Link

The ability to classify apps as distracting or productive based on the usage at different times of day. An app can be distracting at some time , while at other time it could be productive.

This could introduce better management of time. The power should be with the user whether he wants to classify the app as productive or not at that time