[šŸšØFIRST STEP] Introduce Yourself and Meet the Community

Hello All!

My name is Buğra, and Iā€™m from Istanbul / Turkiye.

Pro: Iā€™m working as a Program Manager for the last 4 months but before that I was a Project Manager for 5 years.

Work Setup: Nowadays Iā€™m working remotely, and distractions are coming from everywhere since Iā€™m pretty new at this. While I was a Project Manager, I mostly found myself on the field around the machines but now Iā€™m just going to our headquarters once a month!

I use Opal to: Be productive again because Iā€™m in a high-performing department and every single second counts. When I realise Iā€™m stuck at Instagram for the last hour, unwillingly and unmindfully Iā€™m trembling over the consequences upcoming. I had several limits from the Native features of the iPhone but I was always bypassing it when I reached out to the limits. Opal became my personal saviour for gaining my time back.

My Schedules: I usually use a Morning Schedule to keep myself away from social media right after I wake up and a Work Day Schedule of course during the day for an ongoing momentum. As a free user, the features that the app provides are just incredible.

Dreams: I really would like to start my own start-up about agriculture with sustainable goals!

Opal : Unironically I found Opal via Instagram.


Hi! My name is Maggie. I am the mom of 3 kids, (11, 12 & 16). I home school my 2 younger kids, design, & write curriculum, serve on several boards that incorporate education and social action & have severe Inattentive Type ADHD. I really struggle with task management, procrastination, and time awareness. Iā€™m hoping that this app will help me block the apps I use to procrastinate. What drew me in is the ability to really pick and choose what apps I can use. I work mostly off my phone so I canā€™t always just put it down. I also listen to audiobooks while Iā€™m working (it helps me tune out other distractions) and I found with other apps tracking my use it looked like I had been on my phone for 12 hours because I had audible on. Iā€™m optimistic though with Opal so looking forward to see it hat it can do


Hello, Iā€™m Carlos from Portugal I run a small marketing called more sales for you. I love to try new productivity apps.

  • Pro: I do marketing and web development for the last 10 years. Based in Thailandā€¦
  • Work setup: 6 days a week. Sunday I rest.
  • I use Opal to: Reduce the time I use my phone because sometimes things get out of control.
  • My Schedules: I like to work from 9am to 7pm but Iā€™m slowly trying to start earlier and finish also earlier.
  • Dreams: My objective is to grow my business and hire more people so I can have more free time.
  • Opal: I believe was on twitter I saw someone sharing a tweet about it.

Thank you all

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Hi! My name is Marilyn and Iā€™m an emotional intelligence executive coach that amidst writing online and fleshing out a substack/podcast combo. My substack titled so, youā€™re dead blends together problems like navigating modern work culture and its existential dread and provides solutions through common ways to bridge connection with self and others like creativity, conversation, style, and a little humor.

Iā€™m wondering if yā€™all would be open to a brand ambassador style thingā€”my audience is little but I love yā€™allā€™s product and Iā€™m opening up a long-form podcast this week titled, THE IRRATIONAL DECISION-MAKING PODCAST.

Much love,


Amazing to meet you! Your substack and podcast sounds awesome, congrats. Yes you could totally join our affiliate program: Become an Opal Affiliate @Marjolaine can reply to you there once you applied!


Pro: Michigander here. My background is in psychology and over the last 7 years, Iā€™ve moved to Italy, gotten my Masters in entrepreneurship, started and ended an e-commerce startup, and become a marketing manager, first in a VC and now in a tech startup.

Work setup: My home in Rimini, on the Adriatic Coast of Italy.

I use Opal to: Make sure I donā€™t get side-tracked when Iā€™m working. Include more mindfulness in my day.

My schedules: During the workweek and my sleeping hours.

Dreams: Being part of a startup that makes the world better and gets the traction it needs to be a success.

Opal: I heard about it on the gram. :slight_smile: Iā€™m just on the trial mode because the price tag is quite high for me. Letā€™s see how it goes.

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Hey there!
Jann here, Iā€™m a last year high school student whoā€™s aiming to enroll in a Med School.

Pro: Professional student for 12 years and itā€™s increasing! :joy:
Work setup: A phone and a ton of books.
I use Opal to: Block whatever distracts me! Distractions be gone! Mwahahaha!
My schedules: Everyday, blocking everything,I guess?
Dreams:Be the best doctor around, you know. One of the ones that chop chop!
Opal: Found it while surfing the App Store. Iā€™m really glad I found it!!


Hey :wave: Iā€™m Andy and Iā€™m the Senior Operations Manager here at Opal!

Pro: Before Opal I was the Chief of Staff at a SaaS startup in NYC - and before that an Investment Banker
Work setup: Just moved to Paris - love coming into the office, while still having the flexibility for remote in case I want to be somewhere else for a few weeks or a month.
I use Opal to: Break the compulsion of opening up IG when my mind thinks it needs a break
My schedules: I have a deep focus in the morning from 6:30am-9am; Timeout from 9am - 5pm; Good Sleep Timeout from 10:30pm - 6:30am
Dreams: To continue building something that changes how people understand their relationship with the digital world (and real world) forever :star_struck:


Iā€™m MasterTheDistractor, call me MTD for short. I like my privacy and still feel wary of stigma associated with ADHD as I have suffered as a result of disclosing my diagnosis in the past. ADHD is a blessing and a curse and increasingly it is a liability to be afflicted with a brain architecture optimised to thrive on novelty in this age of distraction!
It took a I week trial of Opal to believe that it could fulfill its value proposition. (ā€˜cause Iā€™m sceptical and thorough) But you know what? I couldnā€™t deny that it helped and I bought the subscription.

  • Profession: I am sales polyglot - having played every role from proposal writer to marketeer to sales consultant, relationship manager and head of sales enablement.
  • I use Opal to: Block sources of distraction during my work day, to help me break task and switch focus at EOD (blocks off - fun on) and to improve sleep hygiene. (No more numb bum - if you know what I mean, you need Opal!)
  • My Schedules: Work Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm, blocking all but core productivity apps. Bedtime:: Sunday to Thursday:: 11:30PM - 5:30AM block everything.
  • Dreams: I want to help ADHD people thrive in a world that seems designed to undermine focus, distract from purpose and steal our most precious resource ā€” time. I am working on reconnecting with myself, devoting time to the work that gives me purpose and giving myself the opportunity to succeed instead of just watching endless reels.
  • Opal: *Were did I find Opal? Insta? YouTube? One of those two. What matters is, I did find it and that Iā€™ve found it helpful ever since.

A call for support - For the reasons given above, I havenā€™t connected with my contacts on Opal, but I would like some accountability buddies. If you are in the same boatā€¦ letā€™s figure out how to connect and support one another. My first commitment - I will extend my weekday blocks and implement weekend blocks to help me spend more time on realising my dreams.

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Iā€™m Nate. Been in Software SaaS for 10+ years and still remember being so excited when I heard about the concept of social media in 2005 in college, and was an early adopter and advocate.

Never expected it would be such a sharp double edged sword.

I started a passion project last year called The Way of the Bonfire. Purpose is to help the world remember to seek true fulfillment and on some episodes I have been advocating for people to shake the trance of digital misdirection from their lives.

Opal is the best app I have tried so far at assisting me with this myself. Excited to be a part of this movement.


Howdy :cowboy_hat_face: my name is Elian, my username is Ruby rider from the show Steven Universe because itā€™s my favorite character and my birthstone is Ruby.

  • Pro: used to work in fast-food restaurants, wanted to try substitute teaching until COVID hit, work at Walmart for a while and now Iā€™m currently loving my job as a security guard.
  • Work setup: I work in my small room.
  • I use Opal to: focus on studying and being more productive.
  • My Schedules: work Tuesday-Saturday. Rest and church on Sunday. Podcast on Monday.
  • Dreams: I want to be a preacher and preach to the world.
  • Opal: I discovered Opal from a friend I had just started texting.

Hey, my name is Jadon Kelly. Iā€™m an entrepreneur and a creative person at heart with several interests, ideas, and dreams. Iā€™m the creator and admin @ Tech Particleā€“a brand focused on creating digital content about technology for social media.

  • Pro: Iā€™ve worked in the landscape and media industries. I currently produce content for Tech Particle, as well as Griggs International Academy.
  • Work setup: I work remotely in my personal office/bedroom.
  • I use Opal to: be more productive and spend less time on social media/gamesā€“not to mention my phone in general.
  • My Schedules: Productivity: 9am-5pm on weekdays
  • Dreams: I plan on furthering my education in potentially the realms of business/marketing/media, as well as starting a design and production studio out of the expansion of Tech Particle.
  • Opal: I discovered Opal somewhere online, and then later rediscovered it thanks to my dad.

Hi there!

Iā€™m Sarah, joining Opal as the Support Specialist.

More about me:

  • Pro: Before Opal, I worked as a Support Specialist at Bandcamp for over five years, and have been a freelance journalist, illustrator, and painter for over a decade, with clients in Finland, Germany, Canada, the USA, Greece, and France.
  • Work setup: hybrid - remote and in-office
  • I use Opal to: reduce time spent on social media and be able to paint, illustrate, or work on music for hours uninterrupted!
  • My Schedules: Work Monday-Friday 6 am-4 pm, blocking social media and news; also create deep focus sessions almost daily to avoid distractions.
  • Dreams: To improve existing systems and advocate for Gems, and help recruit new Gems, as cutting back on my screen time has helped my creativity (and joy!) skyrocket. Would love to pay that forward.
    Opal : I discovered Opal about a year ago when looking for an app to reduce my screen time. I immediately subscribed and havenā€™t looked back since!

Welcome everyone! Excited to have you join.

And welcome @Sarah_K who I know will be in touch with many of you on this forum.

Hi everyone,

My name is Brianna. I am 23, currently unemployed and looking to write and create more frequently. Came across Opal while doom scrolling on tiktok a couple of times and decided to give it a try. It has been allowing me to connect more frequently with my passions and remain more aware of my surroundings and for that I am extremely grateful. Cant wait to see how far we all come because of this app!

  • Pro: Iā€™m a history student at UFMG, Brazil. Iā€™m currently starting a new research while also trying to live life at its best. My instagram is @lucasrafaelpessoa if you want to contact and learn something about Brazil, Brazilian history, or just meet new people.
  • Work setup: hybrid
  • I use Opal to: reduce my screentime and get more conscious about how I spend my time
  • My Schedules: classes Monday-Friday 17-23pm studying 8-11am
  • Dreams: I want to become a diplomat, travel the world and live a life that my child-self would be proud of.
  • Opal: Thanks to the incredible advertising :joy:
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hello, everyone!
my name is Arii and I am so happy to join the community at Opal!
iā€™m not sure how i discovered Opal but i am so happy to be here now nonetheless. i have had the app uninstalled on my phone for a while but just got the urge today to get started. so happy i am!
excited to meet you all. <3

here is a picture of my beautiful baby kitty boy, bennie aka mr. bennie aka Ebenezer Box, hehe. i adopted him on january 10th and he is my most precious thing. :slight_smile:


Hello I am Mumtaz from Afghanistan. I have heard about Opal from Ali Abdaal and the app has helped me decrease my excessive screen timeProcessing: IMG_4038.jpegā€¦ and I donā€™t have any access to the payment because of my financial problems if I can get premium access to Opal. I would be grateful


i just recently downloaded Opal and I already love it! I am a filmmaker and fashion model just trying to get into the market and I really cannot have my phone distracting me from my goals.

Iā€™m 23 yo and Iā€™m brazilian :slight_smile: (you guys should really consider adding portuguese as a language btw, i know some people who want to use it but canā€™t cause of the language barrier)

Iā€™m looking forward to get to know yā€™all and be a part of this community and get back the time of our lives we all deserve to live out intentionally :slight_smile:

  • Pro: I handle operations for a popular entertainment company in Nashville.
  • Work setup: I work remotely 99% of the time from different countries and run back to the US to check in on my home/work. Currently in CDMX and thoroughly enjoying it.
  • I use Opal to: keep my social media addiction in check. Moving around a lot, I justify it as keeping connected with family members, but in reality Iā€™m just watching reels for hours on end.
  • My Schedules: Monday-Sunday 8a-3p and 8p-3a
  • Dreams: to open distracting apps more intentionally
    Opal : that ad you run on Instagram is chefs freakin kiss, yā€™all :sweat_smile:

Photo of my cattle dog Scoop attached to show my appreciation to this app.