Opal for PC / Windows

What about Opal for Windows / PC?


I moved your request to a new topic - anyone else interested please shout!


Yes, yes, yes :raised_hands: Windows users will surely love this


It would be great ! Having a crossplatform app


@kenneth you could market an Opal for PC app at the enterprise level. Most big companies use PC and you can imagine they’d be interested in giving their employees tools to increase focus…


yes please! I’ve drastically lowered my phone time but my pc time is still greater than what I want…


Bumping this because I absolutely need it for organising and focussing on my job.


The only thing that is stopping me from getting opal premium is the lack of a PC app. I feel like the exercise challenges in ClearSpace would also be a great feature for opal. Also looking at cold turkey for PC that would be a great starting point for Opal on PC.


Same for me, the only reason I don’t buy opal premium is the lack of a PC application.

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I would definitely like a windows version. Would beat out browser extensions for me based on brand image and trust coming as a user of the mobile and mac apps.

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As a developer, I’ve used Wakatime to track how much time I spend coding. While I don’t think Opal needs create the same type of integrations with IDEs, I would love to see a feature that allows other productivity apps to be able to report to Opal.

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Yes we need it!! Please consider making a PC version


Yes please, I would love Opal for windows. When do you think it will come to the market?

I’ll be waiting for the Windows and android app. Forest app is as good as dead. No updates, no widgets for androids or desktop, not even a desktop app, sync issues. Good luck.

Please do this! I really need an app that can sync screen time between phone and PC

As others have shared, my use of distracting apps on my phone has drastically reduced since using Opal, but I’ve noticed I’ve started to use these blocked apps on my PC while I’m working. Not good. Would be great for those who don’t use a Mac as their work PC to have access to Opal. Thanks!


I’d pay for premium if it were available on windows too :innocent:


I would definitely pay for premium if it were available on Windows.

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We would love OPAL for Windows. Such an amazing experience on iOS, but not everyone has MacOS

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Yeah this would be great since phone time is really just a fraction of what people spend looking at screens, being able to track things like YouTube or Netflix, even instagram across different platforms would be a great help at reducing our screen time!