Update Screen Time Display - Focus Score, Distracted/Neutral/Productive Time

It would be great if there was a way to block sessions where phone use is not factored into focus score. For example, between the hours of 7-8pm, you can use your phone without an impact on your focus score. I love this app, but it’s demotivating to see a focus score of 0 when I’m watching a few YouTube videos on my phone after my work day has concluded.

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Thank you for sharing this!
FYI did you see this update from yesterday? It’s brand new so you may not have seen it yet Improve Focus Score: Customize App Ratings / Choose which apps are distracting or productive - #40 by kenneth

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I use the Sleepcycle Alarm Clock every day. This app needs you to keep your screen on overnight to work properly which will increase my screen time by about 8 hours everyday. An option to disable screen time for selected apps would be useful here to have more accurate screen time statistics.

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Hey there,

Thanks for the suggestion! I’m afraid you can’t remove apps entirely from your Home or Screen Time report, but instead, I’d strongly recommend that you edit the Focus Score of that app:

Otherwise, I’ve passed along the suggestion to fully remove certain apps from your screentime calculation to our engineers to consider as we continue to upgrade the app. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Sarah @ Opal

Hello dear Team!

I’m very amazed with your app. But because I’m working mostly with my phone it shows obviously a giant screen time which is used to calculate the approximate screen time during lifetime. And I only find the Focus Score for the day. It would be amazing if there were an statistic for the Focus Score and an option to add up your approximate distracting screen time per month and lifetime as that makes a giant different to the complete screen time for me and for sure for others as well.

Thank you very much for your work!

Hi there,

Focus score has been a great was to apply gamification to my screen time and has helped me improve.

Is there any way we could make the focus score become more easily damaged? Perhaps an “hard mode” option or slider? And/or show the focus score dropping in real time?

The more audio visual feedback you can give to users that “hey, you’re doing something bad!” the more it retrains them through negative reinforcement. Just my perspective from working on game design a bit.

Keep up the great work.

In general - I feel there is much room for gamification as encouragement with focus score. Similar to not losing my daily streak on Duolingo for instance.

UPDATE: You can exclude apps from screen time calculation by setting them to NEUTRAL right from the Opal home.

Animated GIF

You can tap on any app and edit wether you think this app is Productive, Neutral or Distracting. Hit Save, and your score and chart will update.

Productive: Apps that help your Focus

Distracting: Apps that hurt your Focus.

Neutral: Apps that neither hurt not help your focus. They are not counted towards your screen time. You can use this for example for apps you use in the background like Google Maps or audio like Spotify.

It’s up to you to decide!

PS if you don’t see the new Opal home, don’t forgot to update your Opal app!


I don’t consider navigation, music, meditation, audiobook, or other passive consumption apps as “screen time.” I’d like to be able to exclude them from my total time.


Thanks for sharing this. We are going to tackle this alongside this :=> https://community.opal.so/t/improve-focus-score-app-ratings/438


New user here. I listen to music when I work alot. After first day I was surpised by the screen time it said I had. It looks like it’s tracking my time using the music app. Is there a way I can make it not count that time as screen time?


Hey @here ! This is now possible with the new update, more information here: https://community.opal.so/t/improve-focus-score-customize-app-ratings-choose-which-apps-are-distracting-or-productive/438/40?u=kenneth

If you set apps as “Neutral” they won’t count in your screen time calculation.

Is it possible to expand the list of apps we can edit the focus score of to our entire app library? Some apps I frequently use are missing.

Yes, can you list here the apps you want added? it’s a manual process but if you list them we will include them ASAP:

Kenneth, could we get Thought Diary and Abide added?

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Yes, will start a list [COMPLETED] Categorize Apps as Productive or Distracting [Focus Score]

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How do you set the app to neutral

You can do this by going to

  • Score tab
  • Edit on top left
  • Search for the app you want
  • Choose 'Neutral"

Hi! I use this app called King of the Curve it’s a study app for the MCAT but Opal counts it as a distracting app but I have to use it frequently. Can you please add King of the Curve on there?

I had the same idea in mind. I can’t work without classic music in the background, and I hate it when they add time just because I listened to music.

Hey !
Could you please add Amerigo and Pronote ? I always keep these apps open when I’m working so it’s annoying to see my focus score getting lower and lower when I just want to study

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