Set a goal/intentions/note to Take a Break or before opening a distracting App

This was mentionned by @joshhawaii


this is from @Romney_Manassa


I definitely like the countdown timer as well. I like the idea of an option.


I second that. Setting an attention is important before using the internet because it keeps you focused on the task at hand.

Additionally, it would be a good idea that the intentions are saved in a log along with the time spent on the internet and in apps. It’s helpful to keep track of the reasons for internet/app usage as well as the time spent.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. It may connect with this idea A level between deep focus and the default

Perhaps there is a level where you have to write an intention in order to take a break.


A post was merged into an existing topic: A level between deep focus and the default

enable a pop up when you open an app to write down your intention. Then, display on a PiP the text entered to remind the user why he opened the app


This would be great. It’s easy to get sucked into your phone and skip a limit notification. It would be so helpful if intention setting is a required field when you reach a limit, skip a limit, or snooze. The goal is to add another control (mental pause and planning) to the opal process

I would like to see a feature like the one from this app:

When you open a distracting application, It makes you choose between two minutes five minutes or 10 minutes And it makes you “promise” that you’re going to use the app Only for those minutes.

Old thread but just chiming in that “setting an intention” was one of the reasons I installed the app. The main use case for me is my lunch break during work hours, I want to maybe watch a YouTube video or play a game but these activities can easily become a rabbit hole where I spend longer than I wanted to. The time of my lunch break changes depending on schedule and workload for the day so I can’t use a scheduled break in the workday session. Is much prefer to be able to quickly “take a break for X minutes and set an intention” to remind future me that I didn’t sit down to stare at YouTube for an hour.

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I really need this feature, I have ADHD and constantly forget why I opened an app as soon as I see something interesting at the top of my news feed or check my notifications. It would be really helpful to be able to write down what I want to do and then choose to either do it now (and probably need another reminder in a minutes time to check I’ve stayed on task) or save it to be reminded later when my block is over

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Add a block difficulty where the user can access the app at any time (maybe for only a set amount of time before it locks again), but they have to write in a text box what their intention for opening the app is.

This can help with apps like Instagram, where a lot of people will mindlessly open the app to scroll. Setting an intention for opening the app would make the user think about why they’re opening the app and be more mindful with their app usage. This would also be useful for people who use instagram to message their friends but want to stop themselves from scrolling through reels: they could open the app and set their intention as “message friend”. At the end of the five minutes (or however many minutes the user might have set for the unlock time) the app would lock again.

Opal could even show an archive of a user’s intentions for opening an app.

I would love to be able to make a note when I am snoozing or ending a session early so I can get a better understanding of my habits and understanding of why I snoozed or ended the session.

Hey there,

Thanks for the feature request! I’ve passed this suggestion along to our engineers to consider as we continue to upgrade the app. Stay tuned!

All the best,
Team Opal

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Feature Requested By: Anonymous
Number of Votes: 3
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An improvement that I would suggest is a feature that would keep us from using the same justification for every break. For example, I found myself taking breaks and automatically typing « I want to check my messages », even for breaks where I didn’t actually want to check my messages. Therefore, I’m not actually thinking of a justification.
This is why I think that a feature that asks us to rephrase our justification when we already used it during the day would be really helpful to break up the automatic habit of typing the same sentence every time.

In 2022, there was a feature of setting intentions — writing why you’re taking a break from app-blocking or writing what you’ll be doing during this break.

PLEEEASE bring back intentions! :pleading_face:

I often forget my original purpose for unblocking an app and end up getting distracted.

For example, I’ll take a break from a focus session because I need to find some info sent to me on instagram. But then, I’m scrolling on reels until my break is up and I completely forgot to check, so I have to take another break.

Please bring this feature back! It would help keep people on track with why they are taking a break. Intentions would help people remember their original purpose to stop app-blocking.

Below is a screenshot from December 15, 2021 of how it used to look :arrow_down:

When I go into Opal to override a limit, it’d be nice to have an option to add a note for why I’m doing it. and to be able to see all the notes over time. I think that would help me to create my limits because I’ll know myself.

In 2022, there was a feature of setting intentions — writing why you’re taking a break from app-blocking or writing what you’ll be doing during this break.

Would love to see this again! I often forget my original purpose for unblocking an app and end up getting distracted.

For example, I’ll take a break from a focus session because I need to find some info sent to me on instagram. But then, I’m scrolling on reels until my break is up and I completely forgot to check, so I have to take another break.

Please bring this feature back! It would help keep people on track with why they are taking a break. Intentions would help people remember their original purpose to stop app-blocking.

Feature Requested By: Julia rovik
Number of Votes: 1
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I have severe attention and focus disabilities. Once, I got a notification when opening an app and it asked me about my intentions for opening that app. I wrote them to Opal before I continued into the app. That helped me a lot with being able to remember why I opened the app. I very often forget my intentions immediately after opening the app and just go straight to searching for stimulation without checking in with myself and asking why I opened the app. Even tens of minutes or even hours after having fallen into that hole of pure addiction to the stimulation those apps bring me, I can remember that I need to be doing something of purpose in the app and can’t remember what it was.
When I set an intention before opening an app, it gives me my intention in word-form. So, then, I can repeat those words to myself until the task is done, and then still feel attentive enough to be able to leave the app.
It’s not a fool-proof plan, but I think that it could really help me and many others

Feature Requested By: Anonymous
Number of Votes: 38
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i’ve gotten in the habit of whenever i’m in a hurry i write random things as an intention and it doesn’t feel like it matters because it just disappears after the time is up. If there was some list of every reason, for what apps, and how long kept for each “pause”. That would be really helpful to users.