Exclude neutral apps from Screen Time on Profile Tab

UPDATE: You can exclude apps from screen time calculation by setting them to NEUTRAL right from the Opal home.

Animated GIF

You can tap on any app and edit wether you think this app is Productive, Neutral or Distracting. Hit Save, and your score and chart will update.

Productive: Apps that help your Focus

Distracting: Apps that hurt your Focus.

Neutral: Apps that neither hurt not help your focus. They are not counted towards your screen time. You can use this for example for apps you use in the background like Google Maps or audio like Spotify.

It’s up to you to decide!

PS if you don’t see the new Opal home, don’t forgot to update your Opal app!


I don’t consider navigation, music, meditation, audiobook, or other passive consumption apps as “screen time.” I’d like to be able to exclude them from my total time.


29 posts were merged into an existing topic: Update Screen Time Display - Focus Score, Distracted/Neutral/Productive Time

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Focus Score Edit / Customization - which Apps do you want to add?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Focus Score Edit / Customization - which Apps do you want to add?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Focus Score Edit / Customization - which Apps do you want to add?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Focus Score Edit / Customization - which Apps do you want to add?